very erotic dear .. pic2 reminded me about an elder colleague of mine.. she used to leave a pair of similar heels at her cubicle .. those were pencil heels , she would wear them in office.. the tick tock sound used to arouse me a lot.. some times when i used to saty back and no one in office .. i used to imagin her hips sway as she walks inthose heels and cum on the heels and leave my thick white cum to dry on it.. waoo .. muuwah .. lottsa luv .. kisses .. hugs n ofcourse cum all over ya babe .. Thanks. Gaur.. ggsexn@
WOW! What a sexy woman! Love those sexy legs that lead up to paradise! I would love to go on a hike with you and have you for a picnic! You are absolutely yummy looking! I look forward to seeing a lot more of you! Thanks! fordman@
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Sexy Picnic
Posted by: Anna Banana
Sexy picnic and a little exhibition in the forest with my hubby! Hope you guys enjoy it! Please comment but be gentle...