Got a chance to visit with Cricket a little while ago, and we took some time to do a shoot. Unfortunately, my flash unit died mid-shoot so this is all there is, but there will be more shoots in the future.
So here's a fun story-- just before this shoot, she was telling a friend about it on FB, and sent him the pics-- except she accidentally posted them to her wall. She took them down immediately, but was astonished to find that many of her male AND female friends wanted copies.
Anyone who has been dominated to the point where he can't resist showing his obsession by incorporating his nemesis' moniker into his own really lacks standing to laugh at anyone but himself "; I would ask if you even realize how much you've just embarrassed yourself . . . but you're far too dimwitted to ever know. LOL
Oh, trust me, it doesn't bother her one bit. They're sad, pathetic boys who try to get power by making women who they could never have (what with brain activity, eyes, and a sense of smell) feel bad-- and if you DARE to say anything about it, they whine about how they have a solemn right to degrade you, but you can't say anything about it, because then you're being mean.
This should sum it up. Six insults . . . number of bashers who have contributed photos? One. Number of bashers who have contributed pictures of their OWN woman? ZERO! (The one who did posted pictures he took at a beach.) Don't let those morons dissuade from you posting. Not one of them HAS a woman, much less photographs of her to share.
Oh yeah!! You are one hot woman. Don't let any of these morons tell you that you are fat. I'd love to spend an evening with you and we wouldn't be playing chess!!
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Cricket - The Return
Posted by: Cricket
Got a chance to visit with Cricket a little while ago, and we took some time to do a shoot. Unfortunately, my flash unit died mid-shoot so this is all there is, but there will be more shoots in the future. So here's a fun story-- just before this shoot, she was telling a friend about it on FB, and sent him the pics-- except she accidentally posted them to her wall. She took them down immediately, but was astonished to find that many of her male AND female friends wanted copies.